Source code for airfoilprep.airfoilprep

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

Created by Andrew Ning on 2012-04-16.
Copyright (c) NREL. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


from __future__ import print_function
from math import pi, sin, cos, radians, degrees, tan, ceil, floor
import numpy as np
import copy
# from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

class Polar(object):
    Defines section lift, drag, and pitching moment coefficients as a
    function of angle of attack at a particular Reynolds number.


    def __init__(self, Re, alpha, cl, cd, cm):

        Re : float
            Reynolds number
        alpha : ndarray (deg)
            angle of attack
        cl : ndarray
            lift coefficient
        cd : ndarray
            drag coefficient
        cm : ndarray
            moment coefficient

        self.Re = Re
        self.alpha = np.array(alpha) = np.array(cl) = np.array(cd) = np.array(cm)

    def blend(self, other, weight):
        """Blend this polar with another one with the specified weighting

        other : Polar
            another Polar object to blend with
        weight : float
            blending parameter between 0 and 1.  0 returns self, whereas 1 returns other.

        polar : Polar
            a blended Polar


        # generate merged set of angles of attack - get unique values
        alpha = np.union1d(self.alpha, other.alpha)

        # truncate (TODO: could also have option to just use one of the polars for values out of range)
        min_alpha = max(self.alpha.min(), other.alpha.min())
        max_alpha = min(self.alpha.max(), other.alpha.max())
        alpha = alpha[np.logical_and(alpha >= min_alpha, alpha <= max_alpha)]
        # alpha = np.array([a for a in alpha if a >= min_alpha and a <= max_alpha])

        # interpolate to new alpha
        cl1 = np.interp(alpha, self.alpha,
        cl2 = np.interp(alpha, other.alpha,
        cd1 = np.interp(alpha, self.alpha,
        cd2 = np.interp(alpha, other.alpha,
        cm1 = np.interp(alpha, self.alpha,
        cm2 = np.interp(alpha, other.alpha,

        # linearly blend
        Re = self.Re + weight*(other.Re-self.Re)
        cl = cl1 + weight*(cl2-cl1)
        cd = cd1 + weight*(cd2-cd1)
        cm = cm1 + weight*(cm2-cm1)

        return type(self)(Re, alpha, cl, cd, cm)

    def correction3D(self, r_over_R, chord_over_r, tsr, alpha_max_corr=30,
                     alpha_linear_min=-5, alpha_linear_max=5):
        """Applies 3-D corrections for rotating sections from the 2-D data.

        r_over_R : float
            local radial position / rotor radius
        chord_over_r : float
            local chord length / local radial location
        tsr : float
            tip-speed ratio
        alpha_max_corr : float, optional (deg)
            maximum angle of attack to apply full correction
        alpha_linear_min : float, optional (deg)
            angle of attack where linear portion of lift curve slope begins
        alpha_linear_max : float, optional (deg)
            angle of attack where linear portion of lift curve slope ends

        polar : Polar
            A new Polar object corrected for 3-D effects

        The Du-Selig method :cite:`Du1998A-3-D-stall-del` is used to correct lift, and
        the Eggers method :cite:`Eggers-Jr2003An-assessment-o` is used to correct drag.


        # rename and convert units for convenience
        alpha = np.radians(self.alpha)
        cl_2d =
        cd_2d =
        alpha_max_corr = radians(alpha_max_corr)
        alpha_linear_min = radians(alpha_linear_min)
        alpha_linear_max = radians(alpha_linear_max)

        # parameters in Du-Selig model
        a = 1
        b = 1
        d = 1
        lam = tsr/(1+tsr**2)**0.5  # modified tip speed ratio
        expon = d/lam/r_over_R

        # find linear region
        idx = np.logical_and(alpha >= alpha_linear_min,
                             alpha <= alpha_linear_max)
        p = np.polyfit(alpha[idx], cl_2d[idx], 1)
        m = p[0]
        alpha0 = -p[1]/m

        # correction factor
        fcl = 1.0/m*(1.6*chord_over_r/0.1267*(a-chord_over_r**expon)/(b+chord_over_r**expon)-1)

        # not sure where this adjustment comes from (besides AirfoilPrep spreadsheet of course)
        adj = ((pi/2-alpha)/(pi/2-alpha_max_corr))**2
        adj[alpha <= alpha_max_corr] = 1.0

        # Du-Selig correction for lift
        cl_linear = m*(alpha-alpha0)
        cl_3d = cl_2d + fcl*(cl_linear-cl_2d)*adj

        # Eggers 2003 correction for drag
        delta_cl = cl_3d-cl_2d

        delta_cd = delta_cl*(np.sin(alpha) - 0.12*np.cos(alpha))/(np.cos(alpha) + 0.12*np.sin(alpha))
        cd_3d = cd_2d + delta_cd

        return type(self)(self.Re, np.degrees(alpha), cl_3d, cd_3d,

    def extrapolate(self, cdmax, AR=None, cdmin=0.001, nalpha=15):
        """Extrapolates force coefficients up to +/- 180 degrees using Viterna's method

        cdmax : float
            maximum drag coefficient
        AR : float, optional
            aspect ratio = (rotor radius / chord_75% radius)
            if provided, cdmax is computed from AR
        cdmin: float, optional
            minimum drag coefficient.  used to prevent negative values that can sometimes occur
            with this extrapolation method
        nalpha: int, optional
            number of points to add in each segment of Viterna method

        polar : Polar
            a new Polar object

        If the current polar already supplies data beyond 90 degrees then
        this method cannot be used in its current form and will just return itself.

        If AR is provided, then the maximum drag coefficient is estimated as

        >>> cdmax = 1.11 + 0.018*AR


        if cdmin < 0:
            raise Exception('cdmin cannot be < 0')

        # lift coefficient adjustment to account for assymetry
        cl_adj = 0.7

        # estimate CD max
        if AR is not None:
            cdmax = 1.11 + 0.018*AR
        self.cdmax = max(max(, cdmax)

        # extract matching info from ends
        alpha_high = radians(self.alpha[-1])
        cl_high =[-1]
        cd_high =[-1]
        cm_high =[-1]

        alpha_low = radians(self.alpha[0])
        cl_low =[0]
        cd_low =[0]

        if alpha_high > pi/2:
            raise Exception('alpha[-1] > pi/2')
            return self
        if alpha_low < -pi/2:
            raise Exception('alpha[0] < -pi/2')
            return self

        # parameters used in model
        sa = sin(alpha_high)
        ca = cos(alpha_high)
        self.A = (cl_high - self.cdmax*sa*ca)*sa/ca**2
        self.B = (cd_high - self.cdmax*sa*sa)/ca

        # alpha_high <-> 90
        alpha1 = np.linspace(alpha_high, pi/2, nalpha)
        alpha1 = alpha1[1:]  # remove first element so as not to duplicate when concatenating
        cl1, cd1 = self.__Viterna(alpha1, 1.0)

        # 90 <-> 180-alpha_high
        alpha2 = np.linspace(pi/2, pi-alpha_high, nalpha)
        alpha2 = alpha2[1:]
        cl2, cd2 = self.__Viterna(pi-alpha2, -cl_adj)

        # 180-alpha_high <-> 180
        alpha3 = np.linspace(pi-alpha_high, pi, nalpha)
        alpha3 = alpha3[1:]
        cl3, cd3 = self.__Viterna(pi-alpha3, 1.0)
        cl3 = (alpha3-pi)/alpha_high*cl_high*cl_adj  # override with linear variation

        if alpha_low <= -alpha_high:
            alpha4 = []
            cl4 = []
            cd4 = []
            alpha5max = alpha_low
            # -alpha_high <-> alpha_low
            # Note: this is done slightly differently than AirfoilPrep for better continuity
            alpha4 = np.linspace(-alpha_high, alpha_low, nalpha)
            alpha4 = alpha4[1:-2]  # also remove last element for concatenation for this case
            cl4 = -cl_high*cl_adj + (alpha4+alpha_high)/(alpha_low+alpha_high)*(cl_low+cl_high*cl_adj)
            cd4 = cd_low + (alpha4-alpha_low)/(-alpha_high-alpha_low)*(cd_high-cd_low)
            alpha5max = -alpha_high

        # -90 <-> -alpha_high
        alpha5 = np.linspace(-pi/2, alpha5max, nalpha)
        alpha5 = alpha5[1:]
        cl5, cd5 = self.__Viterna(-alpha5, -cl_adj)

        # -180+alpha_high <-> -90
        alpha6 = np.linspace(-pi+alpha_high, -pi/2, nalpha)
        alpha6 = alpha6[1:]
        cl6, cd6 = self.__Viterna(alpha6+pi, cl_adj)

        # -180 <-> -180 + alpha_high
        alpha7 = np.linspace(-pi, -pi+alpha_high, nalpha)
        cl7, cd7 = self.__Viterna(alpha7+pi, 1.0)
        cl7 = (alpha7+pi)/alpha_high*cl_high*cl_adj  # linear variation

        alpha = np.concatenate((alpha7, alpha6, alpha5, alpha4, np.radians(self.alpha), alpha1, alpha2, alpha3))
        cl = np.concatenate((cl7, cl6, cl5, cl4,, cl1, cl2, cl3))
        cd = np.concatenate((cd7, cd6, cd5, cd4,, cd1, cd2, cd3))

        cd = np.maximum(cd, cdmin)  # don't allow negative drag coefficients

        # Setup alpha and cm to be used in extrapolation
        cm1_alpha = floor(self.alpha[0] / 10.0) * 10.0
        cm2_alpha = ceil(self.alpha[-1] / 10.0) * 10.0
        alpha_num = abs(int((-180.0-cm1_alpha)/10.0 - 1))
        alpha_cm1 = np.linspace(-180.0, cm1_alpha, alpha_num)
        alpha_cm2 = np.linspace(cm2_alpha, 180.0, int((180.0-cm2_alpha)/10.0 + 1))
        alpha_cm = np.concatenate((alpha_cm1, self.alpha, alpha_cm2))  # Specific alpha values are needed for cm function to work
        cm1 = np.zeros(len(alpha_cm1))
        cm2 = np.zeros(len(alpha_cm2))
        cm_ext = np.concatenate((cm1,, cm2))
        if np.count_nonzero( > 0:
            cmCoef = self.__CMCoeff(cl_high, cd_high, cm_high)  # get cm coefficient
            cl_cm = np.interp(alpha_cm, np.degrees(alpha), cl)  # get cl for applicable alphas
            cd_cm = np.interp(alpha_cm, np.degrees(alpha), cd)  # get cd for applicable alphas
            alpha_low_deg = self.alpha[0]
            alpha_high_deg = self.alpha[-1]
            for i in range(len(alpha_cm)):
                cm_new = self.__getCM(i, cmCoef, alpha_cm, cl_cm, cd_cm, alpha_low_deg, alpha_high_deg)
                if cm_new is None:
                    pass  # For when it reaches the range of cm's that the user provides
                    cm_ext[i] = cm_new
        cm = np.interp(np.degrees(alpha), alpha_cm, cm_ext)
        return type(self)(self.Re, np.degrees(alpha), cl, cd, cm)

    def __Viterna(self, alpha, cl_adj):
        """private method to perform Viterna extrapolation"""

        alpha = np.maximum(alpha, 0.0001)  # prevent divide by zero

        cl = self.cdmax/2*np.sin(2*alpha) + self.A*np.cos(alpha)**2/np.sin(alpha)
        cl = cl*cl_adj

        cd = self.cdmax*np.sin(alpha)**2 + self.B*np.cos(alpha)

        return cl, cd

    def __CMCoeff(self, cl_high, cd_high, cm_high):
        """private method to obtain CM0 and CMCoeff"""

        found_zero_lift = False

        for i in range(len(
            if abs(self.alpha[i]) < 20.0 and[i] <= 0 and[i+1] >= 0:
                p =[i] / ([i + 1] -[i])
                cm0 =[i] + p * ([i+1] -[i])
                found_zero_lift = True

        if not found_zero_lift:
            p =[0] / ([1] -[0])
            cm0 =[0] + p * ([1] -[0])
        self.cm0 = cm0
        alpha_high = radians(self.alpha[-1])
        XM = (-cm_high + cm0) / (cl_high * cos(alpha_high) + cd_high * sin(alpha_high))
        cmCoef = (XM - 0.25) / tan((alpha_high - pi/2))
        return cmCoef

    def __getCM(self, i, cmCoef, alpha, cl_ext, cd_ext, alpha_low_deg, alpha_high_deg):
        """private method to extrapolate Cm"""

        cm_new = 0
        if alpha[i] >= alpha_low_deg and alpha[i] <= alpha_high_deg:
        if alpha[i] > -165 and alpha[i] < 165:
            if abs(alpha[i]) < 0.01:
                cm_new = self.cm0
                if alpha[i] > 0:
                    x = cmCoef * tan(radians(alpha[i]) - pi/2) + 0.25
                    cm_new = self.cm0 - x * (cl_ext[i] * cos(radians(alpha[i])) + cd_ext[i] * sin(radians(alpha[i])))
                    x = cmCoef * tan(-radians(alpha[i]) - pi/2) + 0.25
                    cm_new = -(self.cm0 - x * (-cl_ext[i] * cos(-radians(alpha[i])) + cd_ext[i] * sin(-radians(alpha[i]))))
            if alpha[i] == 165:
                cm_new = -0.4
            elif alpha[i] == 170:
                cm_new = -0.5
            elif alpha[i] == 175:
                cm_new = -0.25
            elif alpha[i] == 180:
                cm_new = 0
            elif alpha[i] == -165:
                cm_new = 0.35
            elif alpha[i] == -170:
                cm_new = 0.4
            elif alpha[i] == -175:
                cm_new = 0.2
            elif alpha[i] == -180:
                cm_new = 0
                print("Angle encountered for which there is no CM table value "
                      "(near +/-180 deg). Program will stop.")
        return cm_new

    def unsteadyparam(self, alpha_linear_min=-5, alpha_linear_max=5):
        """compute unsteady aero parameters used in AeroDyn input file

        alpha_linear_min : float, optional (deg)
            angle of attack where linear portion of lift curve slope begins
        alpha_linear_max : float, optional (deg)
            angle of attack where linear portion of lift curve slope ends

        aerodynParam : tuple of floats
            (control setting, stall angle, alpha for 0 cn, cn slope,
            cn at stall+, cn at stall-, alpha for min CD, min(CD))


        alpha = np.radians(self.alpha)
        cl =
        cd =

        alpha_linear_min = radians(alpha_linear_min)
        alpha_linear_max = radians(alpha_linear_max)

        cn = cl*np.cos(alpha) + cd*np.sin(alpha)

        # find linear region
        idx = np.logical_and(alpha >= alpha_linear_min,
                             alpha <= alpha_linear_max)

        # checks for inppropriate data (like cylinders)
        if len(idx) < 10 or len(np.unique(cl)) < 10:
            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,

        # linear fit
        p = np.polyfit(alpha[idx], cn[idx], 1)
        m = p[0]
        alpha0 = -p[1]/m

        # find cn at stall locations
        alphaUpper = np.radians(np.arange(40.0))
        alphaLower = np.radians(np.arange(5.0, -40.0, -1))
        cnUpper = np.interp(alphaUpper, alpha, cn)
        cnLower = np.interp(alphaLower, alpha, cn)
        cnLinearUpper = m*(alphaUpper - alpha0)
        cnLinearLower = m*(alphaLower - alpha0)
        deviation = 0.05  # threshold for cl in detecting stall

        alphaU = np.interp(deviation, cnLinearUpper-cnUpper, alphaUpper)
        alphaL = np.interp(deviation, cnLower-cnLinearLower, alphaLower)

        # compute cn at stall according to linear fit
        cnStallUpper = m*(alphaU-alpha0)
        cnStallLower = m*(alphaL-alpha0)

        # find min cd
        minIdx = cd.argmin()

        # return: control setting, stall angle, alpha for 0 cn, cn slope,
        #         cn at stall+, cn at stall-, alpha for min CD, min(CD)
        return (0.0, degrees(alphaU), degrees(alpha0), m,
                cnStallUpper, cnStallLower, alpha[minIdx], cd[minIdx])

    def plot(self):
        """plot cl/cd/cm polar

        figs : list of figure handles

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        p = self

        figs = []

        # plot cl
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        plt.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million')
        ax.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)')
        ax.set_ylabel('lift coefficient')

        # plot cd
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million')
        ax.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)')
        ax.set_ylabel('drag coefficient')

        # plot cm
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million')
        ax.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)')
        ax.set_ylabel('moment coefficient')

        return figs

[docs]class Airfoil(object): """A collection of Polar objects at different Reynolds numbers """ def __init__(self, polars): """Constructor Parameters ---------- polars : list(Polar) list of Polar objects """ # sort by Reynolds number self.polars = sorted(polars, key=lambda p: p.Re) # save type of polar we are using self.polar_type = polars[0].__class__
[docs] @classmethod def initFromAerodynFile(cls, aerodynFile, polarType=Polar): """Construct Airfoil object from AeroDyn file Parameters ---------- aerodynFile : str path/name of a properly formatted Aerodyn file Returns ------- obj : Airfoil """ # initialize polars = [] # open aerodyn file f = open(aerodynFile, 'r') # skip through header f.readline() description = f.readline().rstrip() # remove newline f.readline() numTables = int(f.readline().split()[0]) # loop through tables for i in range(numTables): # read Reynolds number Re = float(f.readline().split()[0])*1e6 # read Aerodyn parameters param = [0]*8 for j in range(8): param[j] = float(f.readline().split()[0]) alpha = [] cl = [] cd = [] cm = [] # read polar information line by line while True: line = f.readline() if 'EOT' in line: break data = [float(s) for s in line.split()] alpha.append(data[0]) cl.append(data[1]) cd.append(data[2]) cm.append(data[3]) polars.append(polarType(Re, alpha, cl, cd, cm)) f.close() return cls(polars)
[docs] def getPolar(self, Re): """Gets a Polar object for this airfoil at the specified Reynolds number. Parameters ---------- Re : float Reynolds number Returns ------- obj : Polar a Polar object Notes ----- Interpolates as necessary. If Reynolds number is larger than or smaller than the stored Polars, it returns the Polar with the closest Reynolds number. """ p = self.polars if Re <= p[0].Re: return copy.deepcopy(p[0]) elif Re >= p[-1].Re: return copy.deepcopy(p[-1]) else: Relist = [pp.Re for pp in p] i = np.searchsorted(Relist, Re) weight = (Re - Relist[i-1]) / (Relist[i] - Relist[i-1]) return p[i-1].blend(p[i], weight)
[docs] def blend(self, other, weight): """Blend this Airfoil with another one with the specified weighting. Parameters ---------- other : Airfoil other airfoil to blend with weight : float blending parameter between 0 and 1. 0 returns self, whereas 1 returns other. Returns ------- obj : Airfoil a blended Airfoil object Notes ----- First finds the unique Reynolds numbers. Evaluates both sets of polars at each of the Reynolds numbers, then blends at each Reynolds number. """ # combine Reynolds numbers Relist1 = [p.Re for p in self.polars] Relist2 = [p.Re for p in other.polars] Relist = np.union1d(Relist1, Relist2) # blend polars n = len(Relist) polars = [0]*n for i in range(n): p1 = self.getPolar(Relist[i]) p2 = other.getPolar(Relist[i]) polars[i] = p1.blend(p2, weight) return Airfoil(polars)
[docs] def correction3D(self, r_over_R, chord_over_r, tsr, alpha_max_corr=30, alpha_linear_min=-5, alpha_linear_max=5): """apply 3-D rotational corrections to each polar in airfoil Parameters ---------- r_over_R : float radial position / rotor radius chord_over_r : float local chord / local radius tsr : float tip-speed ratio alpha_max_corr : float, optional (deg) maximum angle of attack to apply full correction alpha_linear_min : float, optional (deg) angle of attack where linear portion of lift curve slope begins alpha_linear_max : float, optional (deg) angle of attack where linear portion of lift curve slope ends Returns ------- airfoil : Airfoil airfoil with 3-D corrections See Also -------- Polar.correction3D : apply 3-D corrections for a Polar """ n = len(self.polars) polars = [0]*n for idx, p in enumerate(self.polars): polars[idx] = p.correction3D(r_over_R, chord_over_r, tsr, alpha_max_corr, alpha_linear_min, alpha_linear_max) return Airfoil(polars)
[docs] def extrapolate(self, cdmax, AR=None, cdmin=0.001): """apply high alpha extensions to each polar in airfoil Parameters ---------- cdmax : float maximum drag coefficient AR : float, optional blade aspect ratio (rotor radius / chord at 75% radius). if included it is used to estimate cdmax cdmin: minimum drag coefficient Returns ------- airfoil : Airfoil airfoil with +/-180 degree extensions See Also -------- Polar.extrapolate : extrapolate a Polar to high angles of attack """ n = len(self.polars) polars = [0]*n for idx, p in enumerate(self.polars): polars[idx] = p.extrapolate(cdmax, AR, cdmin) return Airfoil(polars)
[docs] def interpToCommonAlpha(self, alpha=None): """Interpolates all polars to a common set of angles of attack Parameters ---------- alpha : ndarray, optional common set of angles of attack to use. If None a union of all angles of attack in the polars is used. """ if alpha is None: # union of angle of attacks alpha = [] for p in self.polars: alpha = np.union1d(alpha, p.alpha) # interpolate each polar to new alpha n = len(self.polars) polars = [0]*n for idx, p in enumerate(self.polars): cl = np.interp(alpha, p.alpha, cd = np.interp(alpha, p.alpha, cm = np.interp(alpha, p.alpha, polars[idx] = self.polar_type(p.Re, alpha, cl, cd, cm) return Airfoil(polars)
[docs] def writeToAerodynFile(self, filename): """Write the airfoil section data to a file using AeroDyn input file style. Parameters ---------- filename : str name (+ relative path) of where to write file """ # aerodyn and wtperf require common set of angles of attack af = self.interpToCommonAlpha() f = open(filename, 'w') f.write('AeroDyn airfoil file.') f.write('Compatible with AeroDyn v13.0.') f.write('Generated by') f.write('{0:<10d}\t\t{1:40}'.format(len(af.polars), 'Number of airfoil tables in this file')) for p in af.polars: f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(p.Re/1e6, 'Reynolds number in millions.')) param = p.unsteadyparam() f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[0], 'Control setting')) f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[1], 'Stall angle (deg)')) f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[2], 'Angle of attack for zero Cn for linear Cn curve (deg)')) f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[3], 'Cn slope for zero lift for linear Cn curve (1/rad)')) f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[4], 'Cn at stall value for positive angle of attack for linear Cn curve')) f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[5], 'Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack for linear Cn curve')) f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[6], 'Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)')) f.write('{0:<10f}\t{1:40}'.format(param[7], 'Minimum CD value')) for a, cl, cd, cm in zip(p.alpha,,, f.write('{:<10f}\t{:<10f}\t{:<10f}\t{:<10f}'.format(a, cl, cd, cm)) f.write('EOT') f.close()
[docs] def createDataGrid(self): """interpolate airfoil data onto uniform alpha-Re grid. Returns ------- alpha : ndarray (deg) a common set of angles of attack (union of all polars) Re : ndarray all Reynolds numbers defined in the polars cl : ndarray lift coefficient 2-D array with shape (alpha.size, Re.size) cl[i, j] is the lift coefficient at alpha[i] and Re[j] cd : ndarray drag coefficient 2-D array with shape (alpha.size, Re.size) cd[i, j] is the drag coefficient at alpha[i] and Re[j] """ af = self.interpToCommonAlpha() polarList = af.polars # angle of attack is already same for each polar alpha = polarList[0].alpha # all Reynolds numbers Re = [p.Re for p in polarList] # fill in cl, cd grid cl = np.zeros((len(alpha), len(Re))) cd = np.zeros((len(alpha), len(Re))) cm = np.zeros((len(alpha), len(Re))) for (idx, p) in enumerate(polarList): cl[:, idx] = cd[:, idx] = cm[:, idx] = return alpha, Re, cl, cd, cm
[docs] def plot(self, single_figure=True): """plot cl/cd/cm polars Parameters ---------- single_figure : bool True : plot all cl on the same figure (same for cd,cm) False : plot all cl/cd/cm on separate figures Returns ------- figs : list of figure handles """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figs = [] # if in single figure mode (default) if single_figure: # generate figure handles fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) figs.append(fig1) fig2 = plt.figure() ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) figs.append(fig2) # loop through all polars to see if we need to generate handles for cm figs for p in self.polars: if p.useCM == True: fig3 = plt.figure() ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111) figs.append(fig3) break # loop through polars and plot for p in self.polars: # plot cl ax1.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million') ax1.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') ax1.set_ylabel('lift coefficient') ax1.legend(loc='best') # plot cd ax2.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million') ax2.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') ax2.set_ylabel('drag coefficient') ax2.legend(loc='best') # plot cm ax3.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million') ax3.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') ax3.set_ylabel('moment coefficient') ax3.legend(loc='best') # otherwise, multi figure mode -- plot all on separate figures else: for p in self.polars: fig = plt.figure() figs.append(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million') ax.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') ax.set_ylabel('lift coefficient') ax.legend(loc='best') fig = plt.figure() figs.append(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million') ax.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') ax.set_ylabel('drag coefficient') ax.legend(loc='best') fig = plt.figure() figs.append(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(p.alpha,, label='Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million') ax.set_xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') ax.set_ylabel('moment coefficient') ax.legend(loc='best') return figs
# def evaluate(self, alpha, Re): # """Get lift/drag coefficient at the specified angle of attack and Reynolds number # Parameters # ---------- # alpha : float (rad) # angle of attack (in Radians!) # Re : float # Reynolds number # Returns # ------- # cl : float # lift coefficient # cd : float # drag coefficient # Notes # ----- # Uses a spline so that output is continuously differentiable # also uses a small amount of smoothing to help remove spurious multiple solutions # """ # # setup spline if necessary # if self.need_to_setup_spline: # alpha_v, Re_v, cl_M, cd_M = self.createDataGrid() # alpha_v = np.radians(alpha_v) # # special case if zero or one Reynolds number (need at least two for bivariate spline) # if len(Re_v) < 2: # Re_v = [1e1, 1e15] # cl_M = np.c_[cl_M, cl_M] # cd_M = np.c_[cd_M, cd_M] # kx = min(len(alpha_v)-1, 3) # ky = min(len(Re_v)-1, 3) # self.cl_spline = RectBivariateSpline(alpha_v, Re_v, cl_M, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.1) # self.cd_spline = RectBivariateSpline(alpha_v, Re_v, cd_M, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.001) # self.need_to_setup_spline = False # # evaluate spline --- index to make scalar # cl = self.cl_spline.ev(alpha, Re)[0] # cd = self.cd_spline.ev(alpha, Re)[0] # return cl, cd if __name__ == '__main__': import os from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter # setup command line arguments parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, description='Preprocessing airfoil data for wind turbine applications.') parser.add_argument('src_file', type=str, help='source file') parser.add_argument('--stall3D', type=str, nargs=3, metavar=('r/R', 'c/r', 'tsr'), help='2D data -> apply 3D corrections') parser.add_argument('--extrap', type=str, nargs=1, metavar=('cdmax'), help='3D data -> high alpha extrapolations') parser.add_argument('--blend', type=str, nargs=2, metavar=('otherfile', 'weight'), help='blend 2 files weight 0: sourcefile, weight 1: otherfile') parser.add_argument('--out', type=str, help='output file') parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true', help='plot data using matplotlib') parser.add_argument('--common', action='store_true', help='interpolate the data at different Reynolds numbers to a common set of angles of attack') # parse command line arguments args = parser.parse_args() fileOut = args.out if args.plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # perform actions if args.stall3D is not None: if fileOut is None: name, ext = os.path.splitext(args.src_file) fileOut = name + '_3D' + ext af = Airfoil.initFromAerodynFile(args.src_file) floats = [float(var) for var in args.stall3D] af3D = af.correction3D(*floats) if args.common: af3D = af3D.interpToCommonAlpha() af3D.writeToAerodynFile(fileOut) if args.plot: for p, p3D in zip(af.polars, af3D.polars): # plt.figure(figsize=(6.0, 2.6)) # plt.subplot(121) plt.figure() plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k', label='2D') plt.plot(p3D.alpha,, 'r', label='3D') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('lift coefficient') plt.legend(loc='lower right') # plt.subplot(122) plt.figure() plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k', label='2D') plt.plot(p3D.alpha,, 'r', label='3D') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('drag coefficient') plt.legend(loc='upper center') # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('/Users/sning/Dropbox/NREL/SysEng/airfoilpreppy/docs/images/stall3d.pdf') elif args.extrap is not None: if fileOut is None: name, ext = os.path.splitext(args.src_file) fileOut = name + '_extrap' + ext af = Airfoil.initFromAerodynFile(args.src_file) afext = af.extrapolate(float(args.extrap[0])) if args.common: afext = afext.interpToCommonAlpha() afext.writeToAerodynFile(fileOut) if args.plot: for p, pext in zip(af.polars, afext.polars): # plt.figure(figsize=(6.0, 2.6)) # plt.subplot(121) plt.figure() p1, = plt.plot(pext.alpha,, 'r') p2, = plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('lift coefficient') plt.legend([p2, p1], ['orig', 'extrap'], loc='upper right') # plt.subplot(122) plt.figure() p1, = plt.plot(pext.alpha,, 'r') p2, = plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('drag coefficient') plt.legend([p2, p1], ['orig', 'extrap'], loc='lower right') plt.figure() p1, = plt.plot(pext.alpha,, 'r') p2, = plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('moment coefficient') plt.legend([p2, p1], ['orig', 'extrap'], loc='upper right') # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('/Users/sning/Dropbox/NREL/SysEng/airfoilpreppy/docs/images/extrap.pdf') elif args.blend is not None: if fileOut is None: name1, ext = os.path.splitext(args.src_file) name2, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.blend[0])) fileOut = name1 + '+' + name2 + '_blend' + args.blend[1] + ext af1 = Airfoil.initFromAerodynFile(args.src_file) af2 = Airfoil.initFromAerodynFile(args.blend[0]) afOut = af1.blend(af2, float(args.blend[1])) if args.common: afOut = afOut.interpToCommonAlpha() afOut.writeToAerodynFile(fileOut) if args.plot: for p in afOut.polars: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('lift coefficient') plt.text(0.6, 0.2, 'Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million', transform=ax.transAxes) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('drag coefficient') plt.text(0.2, 0.8, 'Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million', transform=ax.transAxes) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(p.alpha,, 'k') plt.xlabel('angle of attack (deg)') plt.ylabel('moment coefficient') plt.text(0.2, 0.8, 'Re = ' + str(p.Re/1e6) + ' million', transform=ax.transAxes)