Source code for ccblade.ccblade

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Created by S. Andrew Ning on 5/11/2012
Copyright (c) NREL. All rights reserved.
A blade element momentum method using theory detailed in [1]_.  Has the
advantages of guaranteed convergence and at a superlinear rate, and
continuously differentiable output.
.. [1] S. Andrew Ning, "A simple solution method for the blade element momentum
equations with guaranteed convergence", Wind Energy, 2013.
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from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from math import pi, radians, sin, cos, isnan
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, bisplev
import warnings

from airfoilprep import Airfoil
import _bem

# ------------------
#  Airfoil Class
# ------------------

[docs]class CCAirfoil(object): """A helper class to evaluate airfoil data using a continuously differentiable cubic spline""" def __init__(self, alpha, Re, cl, cd, cm=[]): """Setup CCAirfoil from raw airfoil data on a grid. Parameters ---------- alpha : array_like (deg) angles of attack where airfoil data are defined (should be defined from -180 to +180 degrees) Re : array_like Reynolds numbers where airfoil data are defined (can be empty or of length one if not Reynolds number dependent) cl : array_like lift coefficient 2-D array with shape (alpha.size, Re.size) cl[i, j] is the lift coefficient at alpha[i] and Re[j] cd : array_like drag coefficient 2-D array with shape (alpha.size, Re.size) cd[i, j] is the drag coefficient at alpha[i] and Re[j] """ alpha = np.radians(alpha) self.one_Re = False if len(cm) > 0: self.use_cm = True else: self.use_cm = False # special case if zero or one Reynolds number (need at least two for bivariate spline) if len(Re) < 2: Re = [1e1, 1e15] cl = np.c_[cl, cl] cd = np.c_[cd, cd] if self.use_cm: cm = np.c_[cm, cm] self.one_Re = True kx = min(len(alpha)-1, 3) ky = min(len(Re)-1, 3) # a small amount of smoothing is used to prevent spurious multiple solutions self.cl_spline = RectBivariateSpline(alpha, Re, cl, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.1) self.cd_spline = RectBivariateSpline(alpha, Re, cd, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.001) self.alpha = alpha if self.use_cm > 0: self.cm_spline = RectBivariateSpline(alpha, Re, cm, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.0001)
[docs] @classmethod def initFromAerodynFile(cls, aerodynFile): """convenience method for initializing with AeroDyn formatted files Parameters ---------- aerodynFile : str location of AeroDyn style airfoiil file Returns ------- af : CCAirfoil a constructed CCAirfoil object """ af = Airfoil.initFromAerodynFile(aerodynFile) alpha, Re, cl, cd, cm = af.createDataGrid() return cls(alpha, Re, cl, cd, cm=cm)
def max_eff(self, Re): # Get the angle of attack, cl and cd at max airfoil efficiency. For a cylinder, set the angle of attack to 0 Eff = np.zeros_like(self.alpha) # Check efficiency only between -20 and +40 deg aoa_start = -20. aoa_end = 40 i_start = np.argmin(abs(self.alpha - (aoa_start * np.pi / 180.))) i_end = np.argmin(abs(self.alpha - (aoa_end * np.pi / 180.))) if len(self.alpha[i_start:i_end]) == 0: # Cylinder alpha_Emax = 0. cl_Emax = self.cl_spline.ev(alpha_Emax, Re) cd_Emax = self.cd_spline.ev(alpha_Emax, Re) Emax = cl_Emax/cd_Emax else: alpha = np.linspace(aoa_start*np.pi/180., aoa_end*np.pi/180., num=201) cl = [self.cl_spline.ev(aoa, Re) for aoa in alpha] cd = [self.cd_spline.ev(aoa, Re) for aoa in alpha] Eff = [cli/cdi for cli, cdi, in zip(cl, cd)] i_max = np.argmax(Eff) alpha_Emax = alpha[i_max] cl_Emax = cl[i_max] cd_Emax = cd[i_max] Emax = Eff[i_max] # print Emax, alpha_Emax*180./np.pi, cl_Emax, cd_Emax return Emax, alpha_Emax, cl_Emax, cd_Emax def awayfromstall(self, Re, margin): # Get the angle of attack, cl and cd with a margin (in degrees) from the stall point. For a cylinder, set the angle of attack to 0 deg # Eff = np.zeros_like(self.alpha) # Look for stall only between -20 and +40 deg aoa_start = -20. aoa_end = 40 i_start = np.argmin(abs(self.alpha - (aoa_start * np.pi / 180.))) i_end = np.argmin(abs(self.alpha - (aoa_end * np.pi / 180.))) if len(self.alpha[i_start:i_end]) == 0: # Cylinder alpha_op = 0. else: alpha = np.linspace(aoa_start*np.pi/180., aoa_end*np.pi/180., num=201) cl = [self.cl_spline.ev(aoa, Re) for aoa in alpha] cd = [self.cd_spline.ev(aoa, Re) for aoa in alpha] i_stall = np.argmax(cl) alpha_stall = alpha[i_stall] alpha_op = alpha_stall - margin*np.pi/180. cl_op = self.cl_spline.ev(alpha_op, Re) cd_op = self.cd_spline.ev(alpha_op, Re) Eff_op = cl_op/cd_op # print Emax, alpha_Emax*180./np.pi, cl_Emax, cd_Emax return Eff_op, alpha_op, cl_op, cd_op
[docs] def evaluate(self, alpha, Re, return_cm=False): """Get lift/drag coefficient at the specified angle of attack and Reynolds number. Parameters ---------- alpha : float (rad) angle of attack Re : float Reynolds number Returns ------- cl : float lift coefficient cd : float drag coefficient Notes ----- This method uses a spline so that the output is continuously differentiable, and also uses a small amount of smoothing to help remove spurious multiple solutions. """ cl = self.cl_spline.ev(alpha, Re) cd = self.cd_spline.ev(alpha, Re) if self.use_cm and return_cm: cm = self.cm_spline.ev(alpha, Re) return cl, cd, cm else: return cl, cd
def derivatives(self, alpha, Re): # note: direct call to bisplev will be unnecessary with latest scipy update (add derivative method) tck_cl = self.cl_spline.tck[:3] + self.cl_spline.degrees # concatenate lists tck_cd = self.cd_spline.tck[:3] + self.cd_spline.degrees dcl_dalpha = bisplev(alpha, Re, tck_cl, dx=1, dy=0) dcd_dalpha = bisplev(alpha, Re, tck_cd, dx=1, dy=0) if self.one_Re: dcl_dRe = 0.0 dcd_dRe = 0.0 else: dcl_dRe = bisplev(alpha, Re, tck_cl, dx=0, dy=1) dcd_dRe = bisplev(alpha, Re, tck_cd, dx=0, dy=1) return dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe def eval_unsteady(self, alpha, cl, cd, cm): # calculate unsteady coefficients from polars for OpenFAST's Aerodyn unsteady = {} alpha_rad = np.radians(alpha) cn = cl*np.cos(alpha_rad) + cd*np.sin(alpha_rad) # alpha0, Cd0, Cm0 aoa_l = [-30.] aoa_h = [30.] idx_low = np.argmin(abs(alpha-aoa_l)) idx_high = np.argmin(abs(alpha-aoa_h)) if max(np.abs(np.gradient(cl)))>0.: unsteady['alpha0'] = np.interp(0., cl[idx_low:idx_high], alpha[idx_low:idx_high]) unsteady['Cd0'] = np.interp(0., cl[idx_low:idx_high], cd[idx_low:idx_high]) unsteady['Cm0'] = np.interp(0., cl[idx_low:idx_high], cm[idx_low:idx_high]) else: unsteady['alpha0'] = 0. unsteady['Cd0'] = cd[np.argmin(abs(alpha-0.))] unsteady['Cm0'] = 0. unsteady['eta_e']= 1 unsteady['T_f0'] = "Default" unsteady['T_V0'] = "Default" unsteady['T_p'] = "Default" unsteady['T_VL'] = "Default" unsteady['b1'] = "Default" unsteady['b2'] = "Default" unsteady['b5'] = "Default" unsteady['A1'] = "Default" unsteady['A2'] = "Default" unsteady['A5'] = "Default" unsteady['S1'] = 0 unsteady['S2'] = 0 unsteady['S3'] = 0 unsteady['S4'] = 0 def find_breakpoint(x, y, idx_low, idx_high, multi=1.): lin_fit = np.interp(x[idx_low:idx_high], [x[idx_low],x[idx_high]], [y[idx_low],y[idx_high]]) idx_break = 0 lin_diff = 0 for i, (fit, yi) in enumerate(zip(lin_fit, y[idx_low:idx_high])): if multi==0: diff_i = np.abs(yi-fit) else: diff_i = multi*(yi-fit) if diff_i>lin_diff: lin_diff = diff_i idx_break = i idx_break += idx_low return idx_break # Cn1 idx_alpha0 = np.argmin(abs(alpha-unsteady['alpha0'])) if max(np.abs(np.gradient(cm)))>0.: aoa_h = alpha[idx_alpha0]+35. idx_high = np.argmin(abs(alpha-aoa_h)) cm_temp = cm[idx_low:idx_high] idx_cm_min = [i for i,local_min in enumerate(np.r_[True, cm_temp[1:] < cm_temp[:-1]] & np.r_[cm_temp[:-1] < cm_temp[1:], True]) if local_min] + idx_low idx_high = idx_cm_min[-1] idx_Cn1 = find_breakpoint(alpha, cm, idx_alpha0, idx_high) unsteady['Cn1'] = cn[idx_Cn1] else: idx_Cn1 = np.argmin(abs(alpha-0.)) unsteady['Cn1'] = 0. # Cn2 if max(np.abs(np.gradient(cm)))>0.: aoa_l = np.mean([alpha[idx_alpha0], alpha[idx_Cn1]])-30. idx_low = np.argmin(abs(alpha-aoa_l)) cm_temp = cm[idx_low:idx_high] idx_cm_min = [i for i,local_min in enumerate(np.r_[True, cm_temp[1:] < cm_temp[:-1]] & np.r_[cm_temp[:-1] < cm_temp[1:], True]) if local_min] + idx_low idx_high = idx_cm_min[-1] idx_Cn2 = find_breakpoint(alpha, cm, idx_low, idx_alpha0, multi=0.) unsteady['Cn2'] = cn[idx_Cn2] else: idx_Cn2 = np.argmin(abs(alpha-0.)) unsteady['Cn2'] = 0. # C_nalpha if max(np.abs(np.gradient(cm)))>0.: # unsteady['C_nalpha'] = np.gradient(cn, alpha_rad)[idx_alpha0] unsteady['C_nalpha'] = max(np.gradient(cn[idx_alpha0:idx_Cn1], alpha_rad[idx_alpha0:idx_Cn1])) else: unsteady['C_nalpha'] = 0. # alpha1, alpha2 # finding the break point in drag as a proxy for Trailing Edge separation, f=0.7 # 3d stall corrections cause erroneous f calculations if max(np.abs(np.gradient(cm)))>0.: aoa_l = [0.] idx_low = np.argmin(abs(alpha-aoa_l)) idx_alpha1 = find_breakpoint(alpha, cd, idx_low, idx_Cn1, multi=-1.) unsteady['alpha1'] = alpha[idx_alpha1] else: idx_alpha1 = np.argmin(abs(alpha-0.)) unsteady['alpha1'] = 0. unsteady['alpha2'] = -1.*unsteady['alpha1'] unsteady['St_sh'] = "Default" unsteady['k0'] = 0 unsteady['k1'] = 0 unsteady['k2'] = 0 unsteady['k3'] = 0 unsteady['k1_hat'] = 0 unsteady['x_cp_bar'] = "Default" unsteady['UACutout'] = "Default" unsteady['filtCutOff'] = "Default" unsteady['Alpha'] = alpha unsteady['Cl'] = cl unsteady['Cd'] = cd unsteady['Cm'] = cm self.unsteady = unsteady
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(6., 8.), sharex=True) # ax[0].plot(alpha, cn) # ax[0].plot(alpha, cl, '--') # ax[0].plot(unsteady['alpha0'], 0.,'o') # ax[0].annotate('alpha0', (unsteady['alpha0'], 0.)) # ax[0].plot(alpha[idx_alpha0], cn[idx_alpha0],'o') # ax[0].annotate('C_nalpha', (alpha[idx_alpha0], cn[idx_alpha0])) # ax[0].plot(alpha[idx_Cn1], cn[idx_Cn1],'o') # ax[0].annotate('Cn1', (alpha[idx_Cn1], cn[idx_Cn1])) # ax[0].plot(alpha[idx_Cn2], cn[idx_Cn2],'o') # ax[0].annotate('Cn2', (alpha[idx_Cn2], cn[idx_Cn2])) # ax[0].set_ylabel('C_L') # ax[0].grid(True, linestyle=':') # ax[1].plot(alpha, cd) # ax[1].set_ylabel('C_D') # ax[1].grid(True, linestyle=':') # ax[2].plot(alpha, cm) # ax[2].plot(alpha[idx_Cn1], cm[idx_Cn1], 'o') # ax[2].annotate('Cn1', (alpha[idx_Cn1], cm[idx_Cn1])) # ax[2].plot(alpha[idx_Cn2], cm[idx_Cn2], 'o') # ax[2].annotate('Cn2', (alpha[idx_Cn2], cm[idx_Cn2])) # ax[2].set_ylabel('C_M') # ax[2].set_xlabel('Angle of Attack, deg') # ax[2].grid(True, linestyle=':') # # ------------------ # Main Class: CCBlade # ------------------
[docs]class CCBlade(object): def __init__(self, r, chord, theta, af, Rhub, Rtip, B=3, rho=1.225, mu=1.81206e-5, precone=0.0, tilt=0.0, yaw=0.0, shearExp=0.2, hubHt=80.0, nSector=8, precurve=None, precurveTip=0.0, presweep=None, presweepTip=0.0, tiploss=True, hubloss=True, wakerotation=True, usecd=True, iterRe=1, derivatives=False): """Constructor for aerodynamic rotor analysis Parameters ---------- r : array_like (m) locations defining the blade along z-axis of :ref:`blade coordinate system <azimuth_blade_coord>` (values should be increasing). chord : array_like (m) corresponding chord length at each section theta : array_like (deg) corresponding :ref:`twist angle <blade_airfoil_coord>` at each section--- positive twist decreases angle of attack. Rhub : float (m) location of hub Rtip : float (m) location of tip B : int, optional number of blades rho : float, optional (kg/m^3) freestream fluid density mu : float, optional (kg/m/s) dynamic viscosity of fluid precone : float, optional (deg) :ref:`hub precone angle <azimuth_blade_coord>` tilt : float, optional (deg) nacelle :ref:`tilt angle <yaw_hub_coord>` yaw : float, optional (deg) nacelle :ref:`yaw angle<wind_yaw_coord>` shearExp : float, optional shear exponent for a power-law wind profile across hub hubHt : float, optional hub height used for power-law wind profile. U = Uref*(z/hubHt)**shearExp nSector : int, optional number of azimuthal sectors to descretize aerodynamic calculation. automatically set to ``1`` if tilt, yaw, and shearExp are all 0.0. Otherwise set to a minimum of 4. precurve : array_like, optional (m) location of blade pitch axis in x-direction of :ref:`blade coordinate system <azimuth_blade_coord>` precurveTip : float, optional (m) location of blade pitch axis in x-direction at the tip (analogous to Rtip) presweep : array_like, optional (m) location of blade pitch axis in y-direction of :ref:`blade coordinate system <azimuth_blade_coord>` presweepTip : float, optional (m) location of blade pitch axis in y-direction at the tip (analogous to Rtip) tiploss : boolean, optional if True, include Prandtl tip loss model hubloss : boolean, optional if True, include Prandtl hub loss model wakerotation : boolean, optional if True, include effect of wake rotation (i.e., tangential induction factor is nonzero) usecd : boolean, optional If True, use drag coefficient in computing induction factors (always used in evaluating distributed loads from the induction factors). Note that the default implementation may fail at certain points if drag is not included (see Section 4.2 in :cite:`Ning2013A-simple-soluti`). This can be worked around, but has not been implemented. iterRe : int, optional The number of iterations to use to converge Reynolds number. Generally iterRe=1 is sufficient, but for high accuracy in Reynolds number effects, iterRe=2 iterations can be used. More than that should not be necessary. Gradients have only been implemented for the case iterRe=1. derivatives : boolean, optional if True, derivatives along with function values will be returned for the various methods """ self.r = np.array(r) self.chord = np.array(chord) self.theta = np.radians(theta) = af self.Rhub = Rhub self.Rtip = Rtip self.B = B self.rho = rho = mu self.precone = radians(precone) self.tilt = radians(tilt) self.yaw = radians(yaw) self.shearExp = shearExp self.hubHt = hubHt self.bemoptions = dict(usecd=usecd, tiploss=tiploss, hubloss=hubloss, wakerotation=wakerotation) self.iterRe = iterRe self.derivatives = derivatives # check if no precurve / presweep if precurve is None: precurve = np.zeros(len(r)) precurveTip = 0.0 if presweep is None: presweep = np.zeros(len(r)) presweepTip = 0.0 self.precurve = precurve self.precurveTip = precurveTip self.presweep = presweep self.presweepTip = presweepTip # rotor radius if self.precurveTip != 0 and self.precone != 0.0: warnings.warn('rotor diameter may be modified in unexpected ways if tip precurve and precone are both nonzero') self.rotorR = Rtip*cos(self.precone) + self.precurveTip*sin(self.precone) # azimuthal discretization if self.tilt == 0.0 and self.yaw == 0.0 and self.shearExp == 0.0: self.nSector = 1 # no more are necessary else: self.nSector = max(4, nSector) # at least 4 are necessary self.inverse_analysis = False self.induction = False # residual def __runBEM(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy): """residual of BEM method and other corresponding variables""" a = 0.0 ap = 0.0 for i in range(self.iterRe): alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch, chord, theta, self.rho, cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re) fzero, a, ap = _bem.inductionfactors(r, chord, self.Rhub, self.Rtip, phi, cl, cd, self.B, Vx, Vy, **self.bemoptions) return fzero, a, ap def __errorFunction(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy): """strip other outputs leaving only residual for Brent's method Standard use case, geometry is known """ fzero, a, ap = self.__runBEM(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy) return fzero def __runBEM_inverse(self, phi, r, chord, cl, cd, af, Vx, Vy): """residual of BEM method and other corresponding variables """ a = 0.0 ap = 0.0 for i in range(self.iterRe): fzero, a, ap = _bem.inductionfactors(r, chord, self.Rhub, self.Rtip, phi, cl, cd, self.B, Vx, Vy, **self.bemoptions) return fzero, a, ap def __errorFunction_inverse(self, phi, r, chord, cl, cd, af, Vx, Vy): """strip other outputs leaving only residual for Brent's method Parametric optimization use case, desired Cl/Cd is known, solve for twist """ fzero, a, ap = self.__runBEM_inverse(phi, r, chord, cl, cd, af, Vx, Vy) return fzero def __residualDerivatives(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy): """derivatives of fzero, a, ap""" if self.iterRe != 1: ValueError('Analytic derivatives not supplied for case with iterRe > 1') # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip, pitch] (derivative order) # alpha, Re (analytic derivaives) a = 0.0 ap = 0.0 alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch, chord, theta, self.rho, dalpha_dx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]) dRe_dx = np.array([0.0, Re/chord, 0.0, Re*Vx/W**2, Re*Vy/W**2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # cl, cd (spline derivatives) cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re) dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe = af.derivatives(alpha, Re) # chain rule dcl_dx = dcl_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcl_dRe*dRe_dx dcd_dx = dcd_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcd_dRe*dRe_dx # residual, a, ap (Tapenade) dx_dx = np.eye(9) fzero, a, ap, dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx = _bem.inductionfactors_dv(r, chord, self.Rhub, self.Rtip, phi, cl, cd, self.B, Vx, Vy, dx_dx[5, :], dx_dx[1, :], dx_dx[6, :], dx_dx[7, :], dx_dx[0, :], dcl_dx, dcd_dx, dx_dx[3, :], dx_dx[4, :], **self.bemoptions) return dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx def __loads(self, phi, rotating, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy): """normal and tangential loads at one section (and optionally derivatives)""" cphi = cos(phi) sphi = sin(phi) if rotating: _, a, ap = self.__runBEM(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy) else: a = 0.0 ap = 0.0 alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch, chord, theta, self.rho, cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re) cn = cl*cphi + cd*sphi # these expressions should always contain drag ct = cl*sphi - cd*cphi q = 0.5*self.rho*W**2 Np = cn*q*chord Tp = ct*q*chord if not self.derivatives: return a, ap, Np, Tp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # derivative of residual function if rotating: dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx = self.__residualDerivatives(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy) dphi_dx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: dR_dx = np.zeros(9) dR_dx[0] = 1.0 # just to prevent divide by zero da_dx = np.zeros(9) dap_dx = np.zeros(9) dphi_dx = np.zeros(9) # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip, pitch] (derivative order) dx_dx = np.eye(9) dchord_dx = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # alpha, W, Re (Tapenade) alpha, dalpha_dx, W, dW_dx, Re, dRe_dx = _bem.relativewind_dv(phi, dx_dx[0, :], a, da_dx, ap, dap_dx, Vx, dx_dx[3, :], Vy, dx_dx[4, :], self.pitch, dx_dx[8, :], chord, dx_dx[1, :], theta, dx_dx[2, :], self.rho, # cl, cd (spline derivatives) dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe = af.derivatives(alpha, Re) # chain rule dcl_dx = dcl_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcl_dRe*dRe_dx dcd_dx = dcd_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcd_dRe*dRe_dx # cn, cd dcn_dx = dcl_dx*cphi - cl*sphi*dphi_dx + dcd_dx*sphi + cd*cphi*dphi_dx dct_dx = dcl_dx*sphi + cl*cphi*dphi_dx - dcd_dx*cphi + cd*sphi*dphi_dx # Np, Tp dNp_dx = Np*(1.0/cn*dcn_dx + 2.0/W*dW_dx + 1.0/chord*dchord_dx) dTp_dx = Tp*(1.0/ct*dct_dx + 2.0/W*dW_dx + 1.0/chord*dchord_dx) return a, ap, Np, Tp, dNp_dx, dTp_dx, dR_dx def __windComponents(self, Uinf, Omega, azimuth): """x, y components of wind in blade-aligned coordinate system""" Vx, Vy = _bem.windcomponents(self.r, self.precurve, self.presweep, self.precone, self.yaw, self.tilt, azimuth, Uinf, Omega, self.hubHt, self.shearExp) if not self.derivatives: return Vx, Vy, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # y = [r, precurve, presweep, precone, tilt, hubHt, yaw, azimuth, Uinf, Omega] (derivative order) n = len(self.r) dy_dy = np.eye(3*n+7) _, Vxd, _, Vyd = _bem.windcomponents_dv(self.r, dy_dy[:, :n], self.precurve, dy_dy[:, n:2*n], self.presweep, dy_dy[:, 2*n:3*n], self.precone, dy_dy[:, 3*n], self.yaw, dy_dy[:, 3*n+3], self.tilt, dy_dy[:, 3*n+1], azimuth, dy_dy[:, 3*n+4], Uinf, dy_dy[:, 3*n+5], Omega, dy_dy[:, 3*n+6], self.hubHt, dy_dy[:, 3*n+2], self.shearExp) dVx_dr = np.diag(Vxd[:n, :]) # off-diagonal terms are known to be zero and not needed dVy_dr = np.diag(Vyd[:n, :]) dVx_dcurve = Vxd[n:2*n, :] # tri-diagonal (note: dVx_j / dcurve_i i==row) dVy_dcurve = Vyd[n:2*n, :] # off-diagonal are actually all zero, but leave for convenience dVx_dsweep = np.diag(Vxd[2*n:3*n, :]) # off-diagonal terms are known to be zero and not needed dVy_dsweep = np.diag(Vyd[2*n:3*n, :]) # w = [r, presweep, precone, tilt, hubHt, yaw, azimuth, Uinf, Omega] dVx_dw = np.vstack((dVx_dr, dVx_dsweep, Vxd[3*n:, :])) dVy_dw = np.vstack((dVy_dr, dVy_dsweep, Vyd[3*n:, :])) return Vx, Vy, dVx_dw, dVy_dw, dVx_dcurve, dVy_dcurve
[docs] def distributedAeroLoads(self, Uinf, Omega, pitch, azimuth): """Compute distributed aerodynamic loads along blade. Parameters ---------- Uinf : float or array_like (m/s) hub height wind speed (float). If desired, an array can be input which specifies the velocity at each radial location along the blade (useful for analyzing loads behind tower shadow for example). In either case shear corrections will be applied. Omega : float (RPM) rotor rotation speed pitch : float (deg) blade pitch in same direction as :ref:`twist <blade_airfoil_coord>` (positive decreases angle of attack) azimuth : float (deg) the :ref:`azimuth angle <hub_azimuth_coord>` where aerodynamic loads should be computed at Returns ------- Np : ndarray (N/m) force per unit length normal to the section on downwind side Tp : ndarray (N/m) force per unit length tangential to the section in the direction of rotation dNp : dictionary containing arrays (present if ``self.derivatives = True``) derivatives of normal loads. Each item in the dictionary a 2D Jacobian. The array sizes and keys are (where n = number of stations along blade): n x n (diagonal): 'dr', 'dchord', 'dtheta', 'dpresweep' n x n (tridiagonal): 'dprecurve' n x 1: 'dRhub', 'dRtip', 'dprecone', 'dtilt', 'dhubHt', 'dyaw', 'dazimuth', 'dUinf', 'dOmega', 'dpitch' for example dNp_dr = dNp['dr'] (where dNp_dr is an n x n array) and dNp_dr[i, j] = dNp_i / dr_j dTp : dictionary (present if ``self.derivatives = True``) derivatives of tangential loads. Same keys as dNp. """ self.pitch = radians(pitch) azimuth = radians(azimuth) # component of velocity at each radial station Vx, Vy, dVx_dw, dVy_dw, dVx_dcurve, dVy_dcurve = self.__windComponents(Uinf, Omega, azimuth) # initialize n = len(self.r) a = np.zeros(n) ap = np.zeros(n) Np = np.zeros(n) Tp = np.zeros(n) dNp_dVx = np.zeros(n) dTp_dVx = np.zeros(n) dNp_dVy = np.zeros(n) dTp_dVy = np.zeros(n) dNp_dz = np.zeros((6, n)) dTp_dz = np.zeros((6, n)) if self.inverse_analysis == True: errf = self.__errorFunction_inverse self.theta = np.zeros_like(self.r) else: errf = self.__errorFunction rotating = (Omega != 0) # ---------------- loop across blade ------------------ for i in range(n): # index dependent arguments if self.inverse_analysis == True: args = (self.r[i], self.chord[i],[i],[i],[i], Vx[i], Vy[i]) else: args = (self.r[i], self.chord[i], self.theta[i],[i], Vx[i], Vy[i]) if not rotating: # non-rotating phi_star = pi/2.0 else: # ------ BEM solution method see (Ning, doi:10.1002/we.1636) ------ # set standard limits epsilon = 1e-6 phi_lower = epsilon phi_upper = pi/2 if errf(phi_lower, *args)*errf(phi_upper, *args) > 0: # an uncommon but possible case if errf(-pi/4, *args) < 0 and errf(-epsilon, *args) > 0: phi_lower = -pi/4 phi_upper = -epsilon else: phi_lower = pi/2 phi_upper = pi - epsilon try: phi_star = brentq(errf, phi_lower, phi_upper, args=args) except ValueError: warnings.warn('error. check input values.') phi_star = 0.0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- if self.inverse_analysis == True: self.theta[i] = phi_star - self.alpha[i] - self.pitch # rad args = (self.r[i], self.chord[i], self.theta[i],[i], Vx[i], Vy[i]) # derivatives of residual a[i], ap[i], Np[i], Tp[i], dNp_dx, dTp_dx, dR_dx = self.__loads(phi_star, rotating, *args) if isnan(Np[i]): a[i] = 0. ap[i] = 0. Np[i] = 0. Tp[i] = 0. # print('warning, BEM convergence error, setting Np[%d] = Tp[%d] = 0.' % (i,i)) if self.derivatives: # separate state vars from design vars # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip, pitch] (derivative order) dNp_dy = dNp_dx[0] dNp_dx = dNp_dx[1:] dTp_dy = dTp_dx[0] dTp_dx = dTp_dx[1:] dR_dy = dR_dx[0] dR_dx = dR_dx[1:] # direct (or adjoint) total derivatives DNp_Dx = dNp_dx - dNp_dy/dR_dy*dR_dx DTp_Dx = dTp_dx - dTp_dy/dR_dy*dR_dx # parse components # z = [r, chord, theta, Rhub, Rtip, pitch] zidx = [4, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7] dNp_dz[:, i] = DNp_Dx[zidx] dTp_dz[:, i] = DTp_Dx[zidx] dNp_dVx[i] = DNp_Dx[2] dTp_dVx[i] = DTp_Dx[2] dNp_dVy[i] = DNp_Dx[3] dTp_dVy[i] = DTp_Dx[3] if not self.derivatives: if self.induction: return a, ap, Np, Tp else: return Np, Tp else: # chain rule dNp_dw = dNp_dVx*dVx_dw + dNp_dVy*dVy_dw dTp_dw = dTp_dVx*dVx_dw + dTp_dVy*dVy_dw dNp_dprecurve = dNp_dVx*dVx_dcurve + dNp_dVy*dVy_dcurve dTp_dprecurve = dTp_dVx*dVx_dcurve + dTp_dVy*dVy_dcurve # stack # z = [r, chord, theta, Rhub, Rtip, pitch] # w = [r, presweep, precone, tilt, hubHt, yaw, azimuth, Uinf, Omega] # X = [r, chord, theta, Rhub, Rtip, presweep, precone, tilt, hubHt, yaw, azimuth, Uinf, Omega, pitch] dNp_dz[0, :] += dNp_dw[0, :] # add partial w.r.t. r dTp_dz[0, :] += dTp_dw[0, :] dNp_dX = np.vstack((dNp_dz[:-1, :], dNp_dw[1:, :], dNp_dz[-1, :])) dTp_dX = np.vstack((dTp_dz[:-1, :], dTp_dw[1:, :], dTp_dz[-1, :])) # add chain rule for conversion to radians ridx = [2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13] dNp_dX[ridx, :] *= pi/180.0 dTp_dX[ridx, :] *= pi/180.0 # save these values as the packing in one matrix is convenient for evaluate # (intended for internal use only. not to be accessed by user) self._dNp_dX = dNp_dX self._dTp_dX = dTp_dX self._dNp_dprecurve = dNp_dprecurve self._dTp_dprecurve = dTp_dprecurve # pack derivatives into dictionary dNp = {} dTp = {} # n x n (diagonal) dNp['dr'] = np.diag(dNp_dX[0, :]) dTp['dr'] = np.diag(dTp_dX[0, :]) dNp['dchord'] = np.diag(dNp_dX[1, :]) dTp['dchord'] = np.diag(dTp_dX[1, :]) dNp['dtheta'] = np.diag(dNp_dX[2, :]) dTp['dtheta'] = np.diag(dTp_dX[2, :]) dNp['dpresweep'] = np.diag(dNp_dX[5, :]) dTp['dpresweep'] = np.diag(dTp_dX[5, :]) # n x n (tridiagonal) dNp['dprecurve'] = dNp_dprecurve.T dTp['dprecurve'] = dTp_dprecurve.T # n x 1 dNp['dRhub'] = dNp_dX[3, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dRhub'] = dTp_dX[3, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dRtip'] = dNp_dX[4, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dRtip'] = dTp_dX[4, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dprecone'] = dNp_dX[6, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dprecone'] = dTp_dX[6, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dtilt'] = dNp_dX[7, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dtilt'] = dTp_dX[7, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dhubHt'] = dNp_dX[8, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dhubHt'] = dTp_dX[8, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dyaw'] = dNp_dX[9, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dyaw'] = dTp_dX[9, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dazimuth'] = dNp_dX[10, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dazimuth'] = dTp_dX[10, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dUinf'] = dNp_dX[11, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dUinf'] = dTp_dX[11, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dOmega'] = dNp_dX[12, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dOmega'] = dTp_dX[12, :].reshape(n, 1) dNp['dpitch'] = dNp_dX[13, :].reshape(n, 1) dTp['dpitch'] = dTp_dX[13, :].reshape(n, 1) return Np, Tp, dNp, dTp
[docs] def evaluate(self, Uinf, Omega, pitch, coefficients=False): """Run the aerodynamic analysis at the specified conditions. Parameters ---------- Uinf : array_like (m/s) hub height wind speed Omega : array_like (RPM) rotor rotation speed pitch : array_like (deg) blade pitch setting coefficient : bool, optional if True, results are returned in nondimensional form Returns ------- P or CP : ndarray (W) power or power coefficient T or CT : ndarray (N) thrust or thrust coefficient (magnitude) Q or CQ : ndarray (N*m) torque or torque coefficient (magnitude) dP or dCP : dictionary of arrays (present only if derivatives==True) derivatives of power or power coefficient. Each item in dictionary is a Jacobian. The array sizes and keys are below npts is the number of conditions (len(Uinf)), n = number of stations along blade (len(r)) npts x 1: 'dprecone', 'dtilt', 'dhubHt', 'dRhub', 'dRtip', 'dprecurveTip', 'dpresweepTip', 'dyaw' npts x npts: 'dUinf', 'dOmega', 'dpitch' npts x n: 'dr', 'dchord', 'dtheta', 'dprecurve', 'dpresweep' for example dP_dr = dP['dr'] (where dP_dr is an npts x n array) and dP_dr[i, j] = dP_i / dr_j dT or dCT : dictionary of arrays (present only if derivatives==True) derivative of thrust or thrust coefficient. Same format as dP and dCP dQ or dCQ : dictionary of arrays (present only if derivatives==True) derivative of torque or torque coefficient. Same format as dP and dCP Notes ----- CP = P / (q * Uinf * A) CT = T / (q * A) CQ = Q / (q * A * R) The rotor radius R, may not actually be Rtip if precone and precurve are both nonzero ``R = Rtip*cos(precone) + precurveTip*sin(precone)`` """ # rename args = (self.r, self.precurve, self.presweep, self.precone, self.Rhub, self.Rtip, self.precurveTip, self.presweepTip) nsec = self.nSector # initialize Uinf = np.array(Uinf) Omega = np.array(Omega) pitch = np.array(pitch) npts = len(Uinf) T = np.zeros(npts) Q = np.zeros(npts) P = np.zeros(npts) M = np.zeros(npts) if self.derivatives: dT_ds = np.zeros((npts, 11)) dQ_ds = np.zeros((npts, 11)) dT_dv = np.zeros((npts, 5, len(self.r))) dQ_dv = np.zeros((npts, 5, len(self.r))) for i in range(npts): # iterate across conditions for j in range(nsec): # integrate across azimuth azimuth = 360.0*float(j)/nsec if not self.derivatives: # contribution from this azimuthal location if self.induction: a, ap, Np, Tp = self.distributedAeroLoads(Uinf[i], Omega[i], pitch[i], azimuth) # Induction self.a = a self.ap = ap else: Np, Tp = self.distributedAeroLoads(Uinf[i], Omega[i], pitch[i], azimuth) else: Np, Tp, dNp, dTp = self.distributedAeroLoads(Uinf[i], Omega[i], pitch[i], azimuth) dT_ds_sub, dQ_ds_sub, dT_dv_sub, dQ_dv_sub = self.__thrustTorqueDeriv( Np, Tp, self._dNp_dX, self._dTp_dX, self._dNp_dprecurve, self._dTp_dprecurve, *args) dT_ds[i, :] += self.B * dT_ds_sub / nsec dQ_ds[i, :] += self.B * dQ_ds_sub / nsec dT_dv[i, :, :] += self.B * dT_dv_sub / nsec dQ_dv[i, :, :] += self.B * dQ_dv_sub / nsec Tsub, Qsub, Msub = _bem.thrusttorque(Np, Tp, *args) T[i] += self.B * Tsub / nsec Q[i] += self.B * Qsub / nsec M[i] += self.B * Msub / nsec # Power P = Q * Omega*pi/30.0 # RPM to rad/s # normalize if necessary if coefficients: q = 0.5 * self.rho * Uinf**2 A = pi * self.rotorR**2 CP = P / (q * A * Uinf) CT = T / (q * A) CQ = Q / (q * self.rotorR * A) CM = M / (q * self.rotorR * A) if self.derivatives: # s = [precone, tilt, hubHt, Rhub, Rtip, precurvetip, presweeptip, yaw, Uinf, Omega, pitch] dR_ds = np.array([-self.Rtip*sin(self.precone)*pi/180.0 + self.precurveTip*cos(self.precone)*pi/180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cos(self.precone), sin(self.precone), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) dR_ds =, 1)), np.array([dR_ds])) # same for each operating condition dA_ds = 2*pi*self.rotorR*dR_ds dU_ds = np.zeros((npts, 11)) dU_ds[:, 8] = 1.0 dOmega_ds = np.zeros((npts, 11)) dOmega_ds[:, 9] = 1.0 dq_ds = (self.rho*Uinf*dU_ds.T).T dCT_ds = (CT * (dT_ds.T/T - dA_ds.T/A - dq_ds.T/q)).T dCT_dv = (dT_dv.T / (q*A)).T dCQ_ds = (CQ * (dQ_ds.T/Q - dA_ds.T/A - dq_ds.T/q - dR_ds.T/self.rotorR)).T dCQ_dv = (dQ_dv.T / (q*self.rotorR*A)).T dCP_ds = (CP * (dQ_ds.T/Q + dOmega_ds.T/Omega - dA_ds.T/A - dq_ds.T/q - dU_ds.T/Uinf)).T dCP_dv = (dQ_dv.T * CP/Q).T # pack derivatives into dictionary dCT, dCQ, dCP = self.__thrustTorqueDictionary(dCT_ds, dCQ_ds, dCP_ds, dCT_dv, dCQ_dv, dCP_dv, npts) if self.derivatives: # scalars = [precone, tilt, hubHt, Rhub, Rtip, precurvetip, presweeptip, yaw, Uinf, Omega, pitch] # vectors = [r, chord, theta, precurve, presweep] dP_ds = (dQ_ds.T * Omega*pi/30.0).T dP_ds[:, 9] += Q*pi/30.0 dP_dv = (dQ_dv.T * Omega*pi/30.0).T # pack derivatives into dictionary dT, dQ, dP = self.__thrustTorqueDictionary(dT_ds, dQ_ds, dP_ds, dT_dv, dQ_dv, dP_dv, npts) if coefficients: if self.derivatives: return P, T, Q, M, dP, dT, dQ, CP, CT, CQ, CM, dCP, dCT, dCQ else: return P, T, Q, M, CP, CT, CQ, CM else: if self.derivatives: return P, T, Q, M, dP, dT, dQ else: return P, T, Q, M
def __thrustTorqueDeriv(self, Np, Tp, dNp_dX, dTp_dX, dNp_dprecurve, dTp_dprecurve, r, precurve, presweep, precone, Rhub, Rtip, precurveTip, presweepTip): """derivatives of thrust and torque""" Tb = np.array([1, 0]) Qb = np.array([0, 1]) Npb, Tpb, rb, precurveb, presweepb, preconeb, Rhubb, Rtipb, precurvetipb, presweeptipb = \ _bem.thrusttorque_bv(Np, Tp, r, precurve, presweep, precone, Rhub, Rtip, precurveTip, presweepTip, Tb, Qb) # X = [r, chord, theta, Rhub, Rtip, presweep, precone, tilt, hubHt, yaw, azimuth, Uinf, Omega, pitch] dT_dNp = Npb[0, :] dQ_dNp = Npb[1, :] dT_dTp = Tpb[0, :] dQ_dTp = Tpb[1, :] # chain rule dT_dX = dT_dNp*dNp_dX + dT_dTp*dTp_dX dQ_dX = dQ_dNp*dNp_dX + dQ_dTp*dTp_dX dT_dr = dT_dX[0, :] + rb[0, :] dQ_dr = dQ_dX[0, :] + rb[1, :] dT_dchord = dT_dX[1, :] dQ_dchord = dQ_dX[1, :] dT_dtheta = dT_dX[2, :] dQ_dtheta = dQ_dX[2, :] dT_dRhub = np.sum(dT_dX[3, :]) + Rhubb[0] dQ_dRhub = np.sum(dQ_dX[3, :]) + Rhubb[1] dT_dRtip = np.sum(dT_dX[4, :]) + Rtipb[0] dQ_dRtip = np.sum(dQ_dX[4, :]) + Rtipb[1] dT_dpresweep = dT_dX[5, :] + presweepb[0, :] dQ_dpresweep = dQ_dX[5, :] + presweepb[1, :] dT_dprecone = np.sum(dT_dX[6, :]) + preconeb[0]*pi/180.0 dQ_dprecone = np.sum(dQ_dX[6, :]) + preconeb[1]*pi/180.0 dT_dtilt = np.sum(dT_dX[7, :]) dQ_dtilt = np.sum(dQ_dX[7, :]) dT_dhubht = np.sum(dT_dX[8, :]) dQ_dhubht = np.sum(dQ_dX[8, :]) dT_dprecurvetip = precurvetipb[0] dQ_dprecurvetip = precurvetipb[1] dT_dpresweeptip = presweeptipb[0] dQ_dpresweeptip = presweeptipb[1] dT_dprecurve = np.sum(dT_dNp*dNp_dprecurve + dT_dTp*dTp_dprecurve, axis=1) + precurveb[0, :] dQ_dprecurve = np.sum(dQ_dNp*dNp_dprecurve + dQ_dTp*dTp_dprecurve, axis=1) + precurveb[1, :] dT_dyaw = np.sum(dT_dX[9, :]) dQ_dyaw = np.sum(dQ_dX[9, :]) dT_dUinf = np.sum(dT_dX[11, :]) dQ_dUinf = np.sum(dQ_dX[11, :]) dT_dOmega = np.sum(dT_dX[12, :]) dQ_dOmega = np.sum(dQ_dX[12, :]) dT_dpitch = np.sum(dT_dX[13, :]) dQ_dpitch = np.sum(dQ_dX[13, :]) # scalars = [precone, tilt, hubHt, Rhub, Rtip, precurvetip, presweeptip, yaw, Uinf, Omega, pitch] dT_ds = np.array([dT_dprecone, dT_dtilt, dT_dhubht, dT_dRhub, dT_dRtip, dT_dprecurvetip, dT_dpresweeptip, dT_dyaw, dT_dUinf, dT_dOmega, dT_dpitch]) dQ_ds = np.array([dQ_dprecone, dQ_dtilt, dQ_dhubht, dQ_dRhub, dQ_dRtip, dQ_dprecurvetip, dQ_dpresweeptip, dQ_dyaw, dQ_dUinf, dQ_dOmega, dQ_dpitch]) # vectors = [r, chord, theta, precurve, presweep] dT_dv = np.vstack((dT_dr, dT_dchord, dT_dtheta, dT_dprecurve, dT_dpresweep)) dQ_dv = np.vstack((dQ_dr, dQ_dchord, dQ_dtheta, dQ_dprecurve, dQ_dpresweep)) return dT_ds, dQ_ds, dT_dv, dQ_dv def __thrustTorqueDictionary(self, dT_ds, dQ_ds, dP_ds, dT_dv, dQ_dv, dP_dv, npts): # pack derivatives into dictionary dT = {} dQ = {} dP = {} # npts x 1 dT['dprecone'] = dT_ds[:, 0].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dprecone'] = dQ_ds[:, 0].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dprecone'] = dP_ds[:, 0].reshape(npts, 1) dT['dtilt'] = dT_ds[:, 1].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dtilt'] = dQ_ds[:, 1].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dtilt'] = dP_ds[:, 1].reshape(npts, 1) dT['dhubHt'] = dT_ds[:, 2].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dhubHt'] = dQ_ds[:, 2].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dhubHt'] = dP_ds[:, 2].reshape(npts, 1) dT['dRhub'] = dT_ds[:, 3].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dRhub'] = dQ_ds[:, 3].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dRhub'] = dP_ds[:, 3].reshape(npts, 1) dT['dRtip'] = dT_ds[:, 4].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dRtip'] = dQ_ds[:, 4].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dRtip'] = dP_ds[:, 4].reshape(npts, 1) dT['dprecurveTip'] = dT_ds[:, 5].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dprecurveTip'] = dQ_ds[:, 5].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dprecurveTip'] = dP_ds[:, 5].reshape(npts, 1) dT['dpresweepTip'] = dT_ds[:, 6].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dpresweepTip'] = dQ_ds[:, 6].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dpresweepTip'] = dP_ds[:, 6].reshape(npts, 1) dT['dyaw'] = dT_ds[:, 7].reshape(npts, 1) dQ['dyaw'] = dQ_ds[:, 7].reshape(npts, 1) dP['dyaw'] = dP_ds[:, 7].reshape(npts, 1) # npts x npts (diagonal) dT['dUinf'] = np.diag(dT_ds[:, 8]) dQ['dUinf'] = np.diag(dQ_ds[:, 8]) dP['dUinf'] = np.diag(dP_ds[:, 8]) dT['dOmega'] = np.diag(dT_ds[:, 9]) dQ['dOmega'] = np.diag(dQ_ds[:, 9]) dP['dOmega'] = np.diag(dP_ds[:, 9]) dT['dpitch'] = np.diag(dT_ds[:, 10]) dQ['dpitch'] = np.diag(dQ_ds[:, 10]) dP['dpitch'] = np.diag(dP_ds[:, 10]) # npts x n dT['dr'] = dT_dv[:, 0, :] dQ['dr'] = dQ_dv[:, 0, :] dP['dr'] = dP_dv[:, 0, :] dT['dchord'] = dT_dv[:, 1, :] dQ['dchord'] = dQ_dv[:, 1, :] dP['dchord'] = dP_dv[:, 1, :] dT['dtheta'] = dT_dv[:, 2, :] dQ['dtheta'] = dQ_dv[:, 2, :] dP['dtheta'] = dP_dv[:, 2, :] dT['dprecurve'] = dT_dv[:, 3, :] dQ['dprecurve'] = dQ_dv[:, 3, :] dP['dprecurve'] = dP_dv[:, 3, :] dT['dpresweep'] = dT_dv[:, 4, :] dQ['dpresweep'] = dQ_dv[:, 4, :] dP['dpresweep'] = dP_dv[:, 4, :] return dT, dQ, dP
if __name__ == '__main__': # geometry Rhub = 1.5 Rtip = 63.0 r = np.array([2.8667, 5.6000, 8.3333, 11.7500, 15.8500, 19.9500, 24.0500, 28.1500, 32.2500, 36.3500, 40.4500, 44.5500, 48.6500, 52.7500, 56.1667, 58.9000, 61.6333]) chord = np.array([3.542, 3.854, 4.167, 4.557, 4.652, 4.458, 4.249, 4.007, 3.748, 3.502, 3.256, 3.010, 2.764, 2.518, 2.313, 2.086, 1.419]) theta = np.array([13.308, 13.308, 13.308, 13.308, 11.480, 10.162, 9.011, 7.795, 6.544, 5.361, 4.188, 3.125, 2.319, 1.526, 0.863, 0.370, 0.106]) B = 3 # number of blades # atmosphere rho = 1.225 mu = 1.81206e-5 import os afinit = CCAirfoil.initFromAerodynFile # just for shorthand basepath = '5MW_AFFiles' + os.path.sep # load all airfoils airfoil_types = [0]*8 airfoil_types[0] = afinit(basepath + 'Cylinder1.dat') airfoil_types[1] = afinit(basepath + 'Cylinder2.dat') airfoil_types[2] = afinit(basepath + 'DU40_A17.dat') airfoil_types[3] = afinit(basepath + 'DU35_A17.dat') airfoil_types[4] = afinit(basepath + 'DU30_A17.dat') airfoil_types[5] = afinit(basepath + 'DU25_A17.dat') airfoil_types[6] = afinit(basepath + 'DU21_A17.dat') airfoil_types[7] = afinit(basepath + 'NACA64_A17.dat') # place at appropriate radial stations af_idx = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7] af = [0]*len(r) for i in range(len(r)): af[i] = airfoil_types[af_idx[i]] tilt = -5.0 precone = 2.5 yaw = 0.0 shearExp = 0.2 hubHt = 80.0 nSector = 8 # create CCBlade object aeroanalysis = CCBlade(r, chord, theta, af, Rhub, Rtip, B, rho, mu, precone, tilt, yaw, shearExp, hubHt, nSector) # set conditions Uinf = 10.0 tsr = 7.55 pitch = 0.0 Omega = Uinf*tsr/Rtip * 30.0/pi # convert to RPM azimuth = 90 # evaluate distributed loads Np, Tp = aeroanalysis.distributedAeroLoads(Uinf, Omega, pitch, azimuth) # plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # rstar = (rload - rload[0]) / (rload[-1] - rload[0]) plt.plot(r, Tp/1e3, 'k', label='lead-lag') plt.plot(r, Np/1e3, 'r', label='flapwise') plt.xlabel('blade fraction') plt.ylabel('distributed aerodynamic loads (kN)') plt.legend(loc='upper left') CP, CT, CQ = aeroanalysis.evaluate([Uinf], [Omega], [pitch], coefficient=True) print(CP, CT, CQ) tsr = np.linspace(2, 14, 50) Omega = 10.0 * np.ones_like(tsr) Uinf = Omega*pi/30.0 * Rtip/tsr pitch = np.zeros_like(tsr) CP, CT, CQ = aeroanalysis.evaluate(Uinf, Omega, pitch, coefficient=True) plt.figure() plt.plot(tsr, CP, 'k') plt.xlabel('$\lambda$') plt.ylabel('$c_p$')