
ProjectManager is the primary system for interacting with ORBIT. It provides the ability to configure and run one or multiple modules at a time, allowing the user to customize ORBIT to fit the needs of a specific project. It also provides a helper method to detail what inputs are required to run the desired configuration. The example below shows how to import ProjectManager, configure a simple project with two phases, and return the required configuration parameters.

from ORBIT import ProjectManager

phases = [
    "MonopileDesign",       # Returns monopile sizing given site information
    "MonopileInstallation"  # Simulates the installation of monopiles

expected_config = ProjectManager.compile_input_dict(phases)


    'site': {
        'depth': 'float',
        'mean_windspeed': 'float'

    'turbine': {
        'rotor_diameter': 'float',
        'hub_height': 'float',
        'rated_windspeed': 'float'

    'monopile_design': {
        'design_time': 'float (optional)',


    'design_phases': ['MonopileDesign'],
    'install_phases': ['MonopileInstallation']

expected_config contains all parameters that are required to run the MonopileDesign and MonopileInstallation phases (as well as the optional ones in the monopile_design sub dictionary). The returned dictionary can now be filled out and the model can be ran:


config = {
    'site': {
        'depth': 20,
        'mean_windspeed': 9.5,

    'turbine': {
        'rotor_diameter': 205,
        'hub_height': 125,
        'rated_windspeed': 11

    'monopile_design': {},

    'design_phases': ['MonopileDesign'],
    'install_phases': ['MonopileInstallation']

project = ProjectManager(config)

# .design_results returns the results of all design phases that were ran


    'monopile': {
        'diameter': 7.11,            # m
        'thickness': 0.078,          # m
        'embedment_length': 55.84,   # m
        'length': 85.84,             # m
        'mass': 640.57,              # t
        'deck_space': 5.58,          # m2
        'type': 'Monopile'


To include weather in the simulation, pass an hourly pandas DataFrame into ProjectManager. Eg. ProjectManager(config, weather=weather_df). All installation phases will use this time series.

Design Modules

For a more detailed description of design modules and the interaction with installation modules, please see the Design Phases documentation.