Project Manager
The following pages cover the methodology behind the project manager.
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The ProjectManager
is the primary system for interacting with ORBIT to simulate
a wind project. Users can customize their project by specifying a a wide variety of
parameters as a dictionary (see tutorial: Project Manager Tutorial).
For more details of the code implementation, please see Project Manager API.
It instantiates a class aggregates project parameters, specifies a start date, and interprets a weather profile, and it employs a collection of decorators, methods, and classmethods to run the simulation. Among these methods are design_phases and install_phases that serve as components to the simulation. Additionally, some methods search and catch key errors to avoid simulation issues, export progress logs, and save the outputs.
This method checks to see if a design or install phase is instatiated prior to running them. Depending on which design phases are specified, each phase is run in no particular order and the results are added to .design_results dictionary. Conversely, the install phases can be run sequentially or as overlapped processes (see example: Overlapping install). It is worth noting, that ORBIT has built in logic to determine any dependency between install phases.
The @property decorators allow the ProjectManager
to access and manipulate the attributes of certain classes. Of the
several properties some important ones are:
capex_categories: CapEx Categories
npv: Net Present Value
Finally, these attributes are collected in an output dictionary.
Stehly, Tyler, and Philipp Beiter. 2019. “2018 Cost of Wind Energy Review.” Renewable Energy.