
CCBlade.distributedAeroLoads(Uinf, Omega, pitch, azimuth)[source]

Compute distributed aerodynamic loads along blade. Parameters ———- Uinf : float or array_like (m/s)

hub height wind speed (float). If desired, an array can be input which specifies the velocity at each radial location along the blade (useful for analyzing loads behind tower shadow for example). In either case shear corrections will be applied.
Omega : float (RPM)
rotor rotation speed
pitch : float (deg)
blade pitch in same direction as twist (positive decreases angle of attack)
azimuth : float (deg)
the azimuth angle where aerodynamic loads should be computed at
Np : ndarray (N/m)
force per unit length normal to the section on downwind side
Tp : ndarray (N/m)
force per unit length tangential to the section in the direction of rotation
dNp : dictionary containing arrays (present if self.derivatives = True)
derivatives of normal loads. Each item in the dictionary a 2D Jacobian. The array sizes and keys are (where n = number of stations along blade): n x n (diagonal): ‘dr’, ‘dchord’, ‘dtheta’, ‘dpresweep’ n x n (tridiagonal): ‘dprecurve’ n x 1: ‘dRhub’, ‘dRtip’, ‘dprecone’, ‘dtilt’, ‘dhubHt’, ‘dyaw’, ‘dazimuth’, ‘dUinf’, ‘dOmega’, ‘dpitch’ for example dNp_dr = dNp[‘dr’] (where dNp_dr is an n x n array) and dNp_dr[i, j] = dNp_i / dr_j
dTp : dictionary (present if self.derivatives = True)
derivatives of tangential loads. Same keys as dNp.