4. Module Documentation

This documentation only details the outward facing classes that are available through the Python module. Other classes and methods are available through the C++ implementation; however, they primarily encapsulate implementation details not necessary for external use. For details on use through C++, refer to the source code and examples in the test suite. The main class in the pBEAM module is Beam. All other classes are only helper objects used as inputs to the Beam object.

4.1. Beam

Beam is the main class for pBEAM and defines the complete beam object. Three constructors are provided: a convenience constructor for a beam with cylindrical shell sections and isotropic material (e.g., a wind turbine tower), a constructor for general sections that very linearly between sections, and a constructor where properties vary as polynomials across elements.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.Beam(nodes, z, d, t, loads, mat, tip, base)

A convenience constructor for a beam with cylindrical shell sections and isotropic material (e.g., a wind turbine tower)

nodes : int
number of nodes
z : ndarray [nodes] (m)
location of beam sections starting from base and ending at tip
d : ndarray [nodes] (m)
diameter of beam at each z-location
t : ndarray [nodes] (m)
shell thickness of beam at each z-location
loads : Loads
loads along beam
material : Material
isotropic material properties
tip : TipData
properties of offset tip mass
base : BaseData
properties of base stiffness boundary condition
class _pBEAM.Beam(section, loads, tip, base)

A beam with general section properties with linear variation between nodes.

section : SectionData
section data (inertial and stiffness properties) along beam
loads : Loads
loads along beam
tip : TipData
properties of offset tip mass
base : BaseData
properties of base stiffness boundary condition
class _pBEAM.Beam(section, loads, tip, base, flag)

A beam with general section properties with polynomial variation between nodes.

section : PolySectionData
polynomial section data (inertial and stiffness properties) along beam
loads : PolyLoads
polynomial loads along beam
tip : TipData
properties of offset tip mass
base : BaseData
properties of base stiffness boundary condition
flag : int
can be set to any value, just a flag to allow use of polynomial variation rather than the overloaded constructor above that uses linear variation


mass() mass of beam
naturalFrequencies(n) first n natural frequencies
naturalFrequenciesAndEigenvectors(n) first n natural frequencies and eigenvectors
displacement() 6 DOF displacement at each node
criticalBucklingLoads() global minimum critical axial buckling loads
axialStrain(n, x, y, z) axial strain along beam
outOfPlaneMomentOfInertia() out of plane moment of inertia

4.2. SectionData

SectionData is a C++ struct that defines the section properties along the beam, assuming a linear variation in properties between the defined sections. For polynomial variation, see PolySectionData.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.SectionData(n, z, EA, EIxx, EIyy, GJ, rhoA, rhoJ)

Section data defined along the structure from base to tip.

n : int
number of sections where data is defined (nodes)
z : ndarray [n] (m)
location of beam sections starting from base and ending at tip
EA : ndarray [n] (N)
axial stiffness at each section
EIxx : ndarray [n] (N*m**2)
bending stiffness about +x-axis
EIyy : ndarray [n] (N*m**2)
bending stiffness about +y-axis
GJ : ndarray [n] (N*m**2)
torsional stiffness about +z-axis
rhoA : ndarray [n] (kg/m)
mass per unit length
rhoJ : ndarray [n] (kg*m)
polar mass moment of inertia per unit length

All parameters must be specified about the elastic center and in principal axis (i.e., EIxy, Sx, and Sy are all zero). Linear variation in properties between sections is assumed.

4.3. PolySectionData

PolySectionData is a C++ struct that defines the section properties along the beam, and allows for polynomial variation of properties between the defined sections. For linear variation, SectionData is simpler to work with.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.PolySectionData(nodes, z, nA, nI, EA, EIxx, EIyy, GJ, rhoA, rhoJ)

Polynomial section data defined along the structure from base to tip.

n : int
number of sections where data is defined (nodes)
z : ndarray [n] (m)
location of beam sections starting from base and ending at tip
nA : ndarray(int) [n - 1]
nA[i] is the order of the polynomial describing structural properties between nodes i and i + 1 for properties that are area dependent (EA, rhoA)
nI : ndarray(int) [n - 1]
nI[i] is the order of the polynomial describing structural properties between nodes i and i + 1 for properties that are moment of inertia dependent (EIxx, EIyy, GJ, rhoJ)
EA : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (N)
EA[i] is a polynomial of length nA[i] that describes the axial stiffness between nodes i and i + 1
EIxx : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (N*m**2)
EIxx[i] is a polynomial of length nI[i] that describes the bending stiffness about +x-axis between nodes i and i + 1
EIyy : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (N*m**2)
EIyy[i] is a polynomial of length nI[i] that describes the bending stiffness about +y-axis between nodes i and i + 1
GJ : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (N*m**2)
GJ[i] is a polynomial of length nI[i] that describes the torsional stiffness about +z-axis between nodes i and i + 1
rhoA : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (kg/m)
rhoA[i] is a polynomial of length nA[i] that describes the mass per unit length between nodes i and i + 1
rhoJ : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (kg*m)
rhoJ[i] is a polynomial of length nI[i] that describes the polar mass moment of inertia per unit length between nodes i and i + 1

All parameters must be specified about the elastic center and in principal axis (i.e., EIxy, Sx, and Sy are all zero). Polynomials are expressed as:

EA[i] = [5.0, 3.0, 2.0] which means \(EA[i] = 5.0\eta^2 + 3.0\eta + 2.0\)

where \(\eta\) is a normalized coordinate s.t. it equals 0 at the base of the given element and 1 at the top of the element. The numpy polynomial class (numpy.poly1d) is useful for multiplying polynomials, etc.

4.4. Loads

Loads is a C++ struct that defines the applied loads along the beam. Three constructors are provided: beams with no external loads, beams with only distributed loads, and beams with distributed loads and point forces/moments. Distributed loads are assumed to vary lineary between sections. For polynomial variation in distributed loads, see PolyLoads.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.Loads

No applied external loads.

class _pBEAM.Loads(n, Px, Py, Pz)

Distributed loads along beam from base to tip.

n : int
number of sections where forces are defined (nodes)
Px : ndarray [n] (N/m)
force per unit length along beam in the x-direction
Py : ndarray [n] (N/m)
force per unit length along beam in the y-direction
Pz : ndarray [n] (N/m)
force per unit length along beam in the z-direction

Loads must be given at the corresponding z locations defined in SectionData or PolySectionData.

class _pBEAM.Loads(n, Px, Py, Pz, Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz)

Distributed loads and applied point forces/moments along beam from base to tip.

n : int
number of sections where forces are defined (nodes)
Px : ndarray [n] (N/m)
force per unit length along beam in the x-direction
Py : ndarray [n] (N/m)
force per unit length along beam in the y-direction
Pz : ndarray [n] (N/m)
force per unit length along beam in the z-direction
Fx : ndarray [n] (N)
point forces in the x-direction
Fy : ndarray [n] (N)
point forces in the y-direction
Fz : ndarray [n] (N)
point forces in the z-direction
Mx : ndarray [n] (N*m)
point moments in the x-direction
My : ndarray [n] (N*m)
point moments in the y-direction
Mz : ndarray [n] (N*m)
point moments in the z-direction

Loads must be given at the corresponding z locations defined in SectionData or PolySectionData.

4.5. PolyLoads

PolyLoads is a C++ struct that defines the applied loads along the beam and allows for polynomial variation of loads between the defined sections. For linear variation in distributed loads, Loads is simpler to work with.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.PolyLoads(n, nP, Px, Py, Pz, Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz)

Polynomial variation in distributed loads, and point forces/moments defined along the structure from base to tip.

n : int
number of sections where loads are defined (nodes)
nP : ndarray(int) [n - 1]
nP[i] is the order of the polynomial describing the distributed load between nodes i and i + 1
Px : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (N)
Px[i] is a polynomial of length nP[i] that describes the force per unit length in the +x-direction between nodes i and i + 1
Py : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (N)
Py[i] is a polynomial of length nP[i] that describes the force per unit length in the +y-direction between nodes i and i + 1
Pz : list(ndarray) [n - 1] (N)
Pz[i] is a polynomial of length nP[i] that describes the force per unit length in the +z-direction between nodes i and i + 1
Fx : ndarray [n] (N)
point forces in the x-direction
Fy : ndarray [n] (N)
point forces in the y-direction
Fz : ndarray [n] (N)
point forces in the z-direction
Mx : ndarray [n] (N*m)
point moments in the x-direction
My : ndarray [n] (N*m)
point moments in the y-direction
Mz : ndarray [n] (N*m)
point moments in the z-direction

Polynomials are expressed as:

Px[i] = [5.0, 3.0, 2.0], which means \(Px[i] = 5.0\eta^2 + 3.0\eta + 2.0\)

where \(\eta\) is a normalized coordinate s.t. it equals 0 at the base of the given element and 1 at the top of the element. The numpy polynomial class (numpy.poly1d) is useful for multiplying polynomials, etc.

Loads must be given at the corresponding z locations defined in SectionData or PolySectionData

4.6. BaseData

BaseData is a C++ struct that defines the stiffness properties of the base of the beam. Two constructors are available: a convenience constructor for a free-end, and a general constructor for specifying the equivalent spring stiffness in all 6 DOF.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.BaseData

A free-end. External spring stiffness is zero in all directions.

class _pBEAM.BaseData(k, infinity)

A base with equivalent external spring stiffness applied.

k : ndarray [6] (N/m)
stifness at base [k_xx, k_txtx, k_yy, k_tyty, k_zz, k_tztz] where tx is the rotational direction theta_x and so forth
infinity : float (N/m)
a value that represents infinity (can be any arbitrary float but it is convenient to use Python’s float('inf')). used to denote infinitely rigid directions.

4.7. TipData

TipData is a C++ struct that defines the properties of the offset tip mass. Two constructors are available: a convenience constructor for a beam with no offset tip mass, and a general constructor for specifying the properties of the offset tip mass.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.TipData

No offset tip mass.

class _pBEAM.TipData(m, cm, I, F, M)

Used to model an offset tip mass (e.g., rotor/nacelle/assembly on top of a wind turbine tower)

m : float (kg)
mass of object
cm : ndarray [3] (m)
location of object’s center of mass relative to beam tip [x, y, z]
I : ndarray [6] (m^4)
area moment of inertia of object about beam tip [Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz]
F : ndarray [3] (N)
applied force from the object onto the beam tip [Fx, Fy, Fz]
M : ndarray [3] (N*m)
applied moment from the object onto the beam tip [Mx, My, Mz]

4.8. Material

Material is a C++ struct that defines the material properties for an isotropic material.

Class Summary:

class _pBEAM.Material(E, G, rho)

Material properties for an isotropic material.

E : float (N/m**2)
modulus of elasticity
G : float (N/m**2)
shear modulus
rho : float
mass density (kg/m**3)