
Create a conda environment#

Download the latest version of Miniconda for the appropriate OS. Follow the remaining steps for the appropriate OS version.

Using conda, create a new virtual environment, replacing <environment_name> with a name of your choosing (without spaces):

$ conda create -n <environment_name> python=3
$ conda activate <environment_name>

You can now use conda activate <environment_name> to enter the environment and conda deactivate to exit the environment.



The folowing all asssume you are in your wombat environment!


WOMBAT is listed on PyPI under wombat, and can be installed for users that don't intend to modify the code, by running the following:

pip install wombat

From Source#

If you plan to read through the code, in addition to running simulations, it is recommended to clone repository, and install the local version.


It has been noted that some Windows users have had issues with accessing the included data libraries using the following, so if issues arise, uninstall wombat, and reinstall using the pip install -e '.[dev]' prompt in the next section

git clone
cd wombat
pip install wombat/

For contributors#

Anyone seeking to work modify the code and contribute to the repository should follow the below prompt. This repository relies on automatic code formatting and linting provided through the pre-commit framework, and any contributors should have this functionality run and pass before submitting pull requests.

git clone
cd wombat
pip install -e '.[dev]'  # some users may need double quotes here, not single quotes
# Required for automatic code formatting!
pre-commit install

Running the tests#

In addition, pytest is used to manage the testing framework, and can be run using the following to ensure that contributions don't break the existing tests. This will produce the results of the tests, including code coverage results, if the tests pass.

# From the top level of the repository
pytest tests/

For documentation#

Additionally, for users that wish to modify the documentation or build the documentation site locally, the following prompt with will install the required documentation building packages.

git clone
cd wombat
pip install -e '.[docs]'

Build the documentation site#

jupyter-book build docs

Now, the documentation site should be able to be viewed locally at docs/_build/html/index.html