NAWEA WindTech 2023 WOMBAT Tutorial

NAWEA WindTech 2023 WOMBAT Tutorial#

What You'll Need#

Slides and Data#

Just note that the spoken commentary is not included, but the materials to drive that content are all included in the slides with links to the appropriate documentation pages and the relevant screenshots so that participants can track down the required data in the COREWIND publications more easily.

  • The slides can be found here

  • The accompanying example notebook is here.

  • Example dataset for the Morro Bay, California, USA 9D layout with connected substations is here.

Pre-Workshop Setup#

  1. Create a new Python environment (conda instructions)

    conda create -n wombat_workshop python=3.10
    conda config --set pip_interop_enabled true
  2. Download WOMBAT from GitHub

    git clone
  3. Install WOMBAT as an editable package

    conda activate wombat_workshop  # or what you called in the first step
    cd wombat/
    pip install -e .
  4. Ensure that it all worked (assuming no error messages at any of the prior stages)

    >>> import wombat
    >>> wombat.__version__